30 November 2010

Characteristic of Soleh Child

Characteristic of Soleh Child:
1. Have a strong faith and aqidah

2. Practicing the commands Allah SWT
eg: praying, fasting,sadaqah,cover the aurah

3. Respect the elders

4. Worship Allah and always pray to Him

5. Be responsible and have the consciousness towards religion.

6. Always pray for the parents either they still alive or dead.

7. Having good moral character.

8. Always want to learn, diligence in working and does not easily give up.

9. Put the very best effort in working and tawakal to Allah SWT.

10. Sincere

11. Educate yourself to know Allah.

12. Build a bi'ah solehah among the family:
a) Always read Al-Quran at home
b) Pray together with the family
c) Build the culture of giving salam
d) Practice the Islamic ethics in the house

13. Always go to the mosque

14. Cultivate the spirit of jihad in ourselves.

15. Cultivate the spirit of love to learn

16. Choose the right friends.

17. Pray to Allah so that we always be soleh and solehah.

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